MiniFit is the development of Australian rugby league legend, Anthony Minichiello, bringing health and fitness to children. From live sessions to fitness programs in local primary schools, MiniFit’s capability to reach a mass audience showed great potential through social media activity. Having worked with MiniFit since its inception, we understood the brand, its direction and the message it was most passionate in delivering.
The end-user of MiniFit programs are of course, the children, but the decision makers are of course, the parents/guardians. Our challenge was finding the fine line between showing it was an initiative for little ones while encouraging the advantages and benefits for parents, schools and local sports clubs.
A big part of our Content Strategy was the “why MiniFit?”. Much of our approach was promoting the brand’s difference and positive attributes, carefully targeting the right audience based on interests and behaviours. This was supported by custom graphics and unique messaging for each individual event.
Thanks to the team at Adcreators, putting (and keeping) MiniFit on the map has been an enjoyably successful journey. Having solid foundations on our platforms thanks to their ongoing work, was highly supportive in the roll out of each new campaign.